About Richard Moulds
Consulting Arborist and Bat Ecologist
Specialism – Trees, Bats, Utilities
Qualifications – HND Arboriculture, LANTRA Professional Tree Inspector, NEBOSH, NPTC CS 20, 21, 22, PA1, PA6d, UA 1, 2.1, 5.1, 5.2, 1st Aid, Manual Handling.
Licenses- Class 2 Bat License- disturbance by artificial light, endoscopes, hand and hand-held static nets.
TreesI have over 20 years of arboricultural consultancy and contract management experience including 12months in the USA. I have a lot of experience of working for utility companies on the most hazardous sites including high voltage overhead power lines, motorways, railways, rivers and often various combinations of these. This is backed up with my NEBOSH certificate to ensure all work is delivered with safety as a key priority.
I have worked for Environmental Consultants Inc. on behalf of ComEd in the State of Illinois as well as Tower Forestry, Fountains, Glendale, UPM Tilhill and Ground Control in the UK on behalf of Eastern Electric, National Grid, East Midlands Electricity, Skanska, Central Networks, Northern Power Grid, E.ON, Balfour Beatty, Western Power Distribution.
I am competent and authorised to complete surveys of overhead power lines and I am a very experienced and competent project manager able to resolve the most challenging of sites. I have considerable experience of delivering storm resilience projects on time and budget and successfully managing jobs with multiply sensitivities which is often the case with this type of work.
I am also able to deliver arboricultural health and safety surveys and inspections of trees, mortgage reports and arboricultural surveys for development in line with BS:5837.
I am a Technician member of the Arboriculture Association.

More recently I have gained a Class 2 Bat License from Natural England. I also have experience of advance survey and handling techniques including harp trapping.
I am a member of various local bat groups and an active member of the Nottinghamshire Bat group, helping to undertake various bat surveys. I have handled 14 of the 17 native bat species and experience of all 4 of the Annex 2 species.
I specialise in surveying trees for bats by combining my arb and bat expertise and can perform aerial inspections from rope and harness with the aid of endoscope. I can provide advice that is in line with best practice, realistic and achievable with both the bats and trees in mind that has always enabled customers to achieve their objectives. Customers have included a number of ecological consultancies and arb contractors.
I can also perform preliminary, activity and roost assessments of buildings to assist with planning applications.