
A wide load needed to be moved to a rural location so various roadside trees need to be pruned back, crown raised and felled to provide clearances for the load to be moved without any obstructions or delays.

We provided an initial survey of the route to identify any trees that had bat roosting potential and then worked closely alongside the tree clearance team to do climbed inspections of the trees that were noted for suitable bat roosting potential ahead of the trees...

Rail Infrastructure Project – bat mitigation monitoring

As part of the licence conditions for a rail infrastructure project various bat boxes were erected as part of the mitigation and monitoring...

Bat Licences Accredited Agent and Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)- Ancient Woodland

We have inspected 100’s of trees to determine if bat roosts were present. Jobs have ranged from a single trees such as hazardous roadside trees that required a pre-work inspection to large areas of woodland that were subject to derogation licences due to breeding colonies of bats known to be present.

We show heare a tree with bat roosting suitability that we needed to inspect prior to felling and had to be accessed from a MEWP as it was dead...

Wollaton Park, Nottingham - aerial bat inspection of a hazardous trees scheduled to be felled

We identified a Noctule bat in a roost at the top of a large beech tree in a public park that was scheduled to be felled as the tree was infected with Meripilus gignteus that is a fungus that causes a white rot of trees which eventually leads to tree failure when the roots become brittle. A licence was then able to then be obtained from Natural England to complete the felling works to make the tree safe.

A bat roost was found in an old tear...

Nottinghamshire electrical substation - re-roofing work

An electrical substation building was being re-roofed due a leaking roof that was at risk of causing an internal electrical fire of the internal...