A long term storm resilience clearance was achieved by felling many rotten trees that could fall onto the overhead power lines. One of the trees had been repeated pruned away from the lines but is now felled, preventing any further work at this site.
One tree stump was left that was made safe from the power lines as it had big cavities that could be used by bats. The logs were cut small in line with the customer’s request in order to create a good pile of firewood that now just needs seasoning and splitting.

The tree below had been previously been topped. The tree had suffered by significant rot developing at the top of the crown of the tree from the previous poor work. Large sections of the decayed wood were removed to achieve storm resilience. This meant the tree could also be retained in line with the customer’s wishes and the tree is safer for motorists and the rate of decline should be significantly reduced.

The tree illustrated below was found to be infected by a fungus (inonotus hispidus). The tree was felled to ensure the line was made safe and secure. This also removed a significant hazard to motorist as the tree was in a hedge adjacent to a road.